Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How good is He???

I just crazy LOVE when God uses our obedience to continue to bless His children. Tim's cousin, Brian shared the following after he read our DR story...{sigh} God is so cool!

"It is so funny too. Heather and I were just reading your blog and why you went and everything and when I got to the part where you listed Revelations 3 I almost fell out. Heather was in Virginia this week shooting my cousin's wedding (on my mom's side) and I was here with the boys. We were visiting this new church here in Davidson, since we just moved and the message was on getting visions from the Lord and how to recognize them. The verses were mainly from Acts 16:6 where Paul has a vision to go to Macedonia. However, he also mentioned how God opens doors that can't be shut and closes doors that can't be opened. Of course, this is Revelations 3... and I was sitting there thinking during the sermon I wish I could find out what I'm supposed to do (we are supposed to do) for the Lord. I still am not sure what it is... I used to write a daily Passage of the Day email after my study time (5am-6am) when we lived in TN. The list grew and I'm ashamed to say that after we moved back to NC I failed to keep my daily study time. You have encouraged me to start it again and maybe even to start a website this time instead of e-mails (as blogs are easier and more popular anyway as you aren't bombarding people with updates, they can check as they wish). Anyway, the timing of you all going and the messages and everything has really inspired me and I want you to know that Heather and I will be praying for you daily. "

I will keep you posted on Brian's upcoming website. I know it's going to be awesome be he is called to it by our amazing Father!

Thank you Lord!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Missionary Heart

A freind of mine from church has venutred on a three month missionary trip aboard a ship called the Logos Hope Missionary Ship. (www.hopeonthewater.com) A very cool back story to how he ended up on the ship! Someone posted the following quote on his Facebook page before he left on May 28.

The Missionary Heart ...
Care more than some think is wise.
Risk more than some think is safe.
Dream more than some think is practical.
Expect more than some think is possible.
I was called not to comfort or success but to obedience.

I find that some friends and family are embracing our decision to move to the DR. Some think we are crazy. Some are envious and wish they could go. Some think it irresponsible to bring our kids out of their school and schedule. Some think our priorities are out of whack. The quote made me realize that my missionary heart is in God's perfect place.

Thank you Lord.